Endosonographic Characteristics of Subepithelial Lesions of the Upper Digestive Tract: Experience of a Referral Center in Colombia





Endoscopic ultrasound, Subepithelial lesion, GIST, Follow-up


Introduction: Subepithelial lesions (SELs), described as bulges or masses covered by healthy-looking mucosa, are usually found incidentally during endoscopic studies. They are typically asymptomatic and are estimated to be identified in 1% of esophagogastroduodenoscopies performed.

Materials and methods: A descriptive study was conducted with retrospective data collection. We included all patients treated at the Unión de Cirujanos, a referral gastroenterology unit of the Coffee Region in Manizales, between January 2020 and January 2022, who underwent endoscopic ultrasonography to study subepithelial-looking lesions located in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

Results: 152 endoscopic ultrasounds were performed, finding 108 SELs; 66.6% of the patients were women, and the average age was 58. Most SELs were located in the stomach (78.7%), the antrum being the most frequent location. The average diameter of the gastric SELs was 14.6 mm, and 47% of the lesions depended on the fourth echolayer; the most frequent presumptive diagnoses were gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST; 65.8%) and lipoma (11.7%).

Conclusions: SELs of the GI tract originate in the muscularis mucosae, submucosa, or muscularis propria. They are most frequently located in the stomach, and their characterization usually requires endoscopic ultrasonography and histopathology. Treatment of these lesions remains controversial due to their low frequency, histological variety, and low malignant potential.


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Author Biographies

Ileana Rocío Bautista Parada, Fundación FOSUNAB

Cirujana General  - Especialista en Gastroenterología Clínico quirúrgica. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Angel Rojas Espinosa, Fundación FOSUNAB

Cirujano General – Especialista en Gastroenterología clínico quirúrgica. Gastroenterólogo. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Lazaro Antonio Arango Molano, Universidad de Caldas

Cirujano General – Gastroenterólogo clínico quirúrgico. Docente. Manizales, Colombia.

Andrés Sánchez Gil, Universidad de Caldas, Unión de Cirujanos S. A. S.

Cirujano general, Especialista en Gastroenterología clínico quirúrgica. Manizales, Colombia.

Claudia Díaz Tobar, Universidad de Caldas, Unión de Cirujanos S. A. S.

Cirujana General – Especialista en Gastroenterología clínico quirúrgica. Docente. Manizales, Colombia.


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Figure 1. Studies performed, patients excluded, and the number of studies by anatomical location. SELs: subepithelial lesions; EUS: endoscopic ultrasound. Image owned by the authors.



How to Cite

Bautista Parada, I. R., Rojas Espinosa, A., Arango Molano, L. A., Sánchez Gil, A., & Díaz Tobar, C. (2023). Endosonographic Characteristics of Subepithelial Lesions of the Upper Digestive Tract: Experience of a Referral Center in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 38(3), 264–270. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.1014



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