Are strange radiopaque bodies with double contours in the digestive tract always button cell batteries?


  • Alexis Jose Ormeño Julca Hospital Regional Lambayeque
  • Nora Flor Echevarría López Clínica Miraflores AUNA Piura



Battery, button cell, double, contour, radiography


Accidental ingestion of foreign bodies constitutes an emergency for pediatric care services especially since the group most frequently affected consists of children between 6 months and 3 years of age. Ingestion of button cell batteries has high risks for severe early complications such as esophageal perforations and mediastinitis, as well as the long term risk of stenosis. Early identification and extraction are the most important management strategies. A double contour on a frontal cervical, thoracic, or abdominal x-ray is characteristic, but this same radiological sign has been reported for other foreign bodies. We present two cases with these characteristics.


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Author Biographies

Alexis Jose Ormeño Julca, Hospital Regional Lambayeque

Medico Gastroenterologo Pediatra. Asistente del Servicio de Pediatria

Nora Flor Echevarría López, Clínica Miraflores AUNA Piura

Médico gastroenterólogo pediatra


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Cuerpos extraños radiopacos con doble contorno en la vía digestiva



How to Cite

Ormeño Julca, A. J., & Echevarría López, N. F. (2020). Are strange radiopaque bodies with double contours in the digestive tract always button cell batteries?. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(1), 114–117.



Case report


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