Ileocecal Tuberculosis: A case report




Ileocecal tuberculosis, intestinal tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis. PCR for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, splenic infarction, bone tuberculosis


Tuberculosis is a disease of global public health importance, with a high incidence at the lovel of  Colombian territory. It mainly affects lung parenchyma, however, in a high percentage of cases, it is diagnosed in its extrapulmonary form being the gastrointestinal tract one of the most frecuent sites. Also the ileocecal región and the terminal ileum are the regions with the most predilection for the Mycobaterium Tuberculosis bacteria. The manifestations in this rare presentation of the disease are given by abdominal pain and sensation of mass mainly, ulcerative lesions in the intestinal mucosa and histological findings corresponding to large caseificant granulomas and confluent morphology, differentiating from other entities like Crohn’s Disease. The search for the disease within the gastrointestinal tract will be carried out with the help of invasive methods such as colonoscopy and laboratory diagnostic aids such as cultures, stains or PCR. Given the complexity of diagnosing in this form of Tuberculosis, the knowledge and the way in which a patient with a suggestive picture of the disease is approached are important factors in establishing the timely therapeutic management. We share an unusual ileocecal - TBC case as a manifestation of prolonged febrile symdrome with fatal outcome.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Mauricio Martínez Montalvo, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Ituango (Antioquia)

Médico general. Residente de Medicina Interna, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá

Alejandro Botello, Universidad del Rosario

Médico general, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá

Laura Melisa Herrera Ortega, Universidad de Manizales

Medico  General - Manizales - Colombia

Sofía Fernanda Leal Bernal, Hospital Susana López de Valencia

Medico General - Popayán

Margareth Elizabeth Guerrero Becerra, Sura - Cali

Medico general


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Figura 1. Radiografía anteroposterior (AP) de tórax que muestra opacidades intersticiales reticulares gruesas en ambos campos pulmonares y ángulos costofrénicos libres



How to Cite

Martínez Montalvo, C. M., Botello, A., Herrera Ortega, L. M., Leal Bernal, S. F., & Guerrero Becerra, M. E. . (2021). Ileocecal Tuberculosis: A case report. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(Supl. 1), 30–36.


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