Percutaneous transgastric approach in pancreatic ductal disruption: Case series




Acute necrotizing Pancreatitis, Minimally invasive surgical procedures, pancreatic duct, pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreatic fistula


A total of six patients with pancreatic ductal disruption (PDD), treated with image-guided endoscopy percutaneous drainage were enrolled. Initially, patients had infected pancreatic necrosis, treated with transgastric percutaneous drainage, and after the infection was controlled, they developed PDD. In the imaging study process, four patients were diagnosed with partial duct disruption and two patients with complete duct disruption. In both cases the placement of a percutaneous transgastric prosthesis to drain the pancreatic fluids to the stomach was indicated. The prosthesis remained 183 days on average and there were no mortality cases. This therapeutic minimally invasive alternative has low rates of morbimortality and thus, the endoscopy percutaneous transgastric approach is considered as a viable treatment in PPD.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Maximiliano Priarone, Hospital de San José

Médico cirujano, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

Valentina Patiño, Universidad del Cauca

Estudiante de medicina interna. Facultad de ciencias de la salud. Popayán, Colombia.

María Virginia Pinzón Fernández, Universidad del Cauca

Facultad de ciencias de la salud. Profesora titular. Popayán, Colombia.


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Figura 1. Drenaje transgástrico (corte sagital).



How to Cite

Priarone, C. M., Patiño, V., & Pinzón Fernández, M. V. (2021). Percutaneous transgastric approach in pancreatic ductal disruption: Case series. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(4), 480–484.



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