The current state of diagnosis and management of chronic pancreatitis


  • Lázaro Antonio Arango Molano Universidad de Caldas
  • Claudia Patricia Díaz Tobar Universidad de Caldas - Unión de cirujanos SAS
  • Carlos Andrés Caicedo Q. Universidad de Caldas
  • Camilo Angel Rodríguez Universidad de los Andes



chronic pancreatitis, diagnosis, treatment


Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an inflammatory condition that leads to fibrosis, damage, and even destruction of the pancreatic parenchyma and ducts. These permanent changes can alter pancreatic exocrine and endocrine functioning, cause biliary and pancreatic stenosis, lead to formation of pseudocysts and even increase the possibility of developing pancreatic cancer. The main clinical characteristic is pain which significantly alters quality of life. To diagnose the CP, we have direct and indirect functional tests and the pancreatic structure test.

The great challenge of these methods is early diagnosis, but this is difficult due to the subtlety of changes.

Once CP is diagnosed, management must be staggered. Medical management is the initial step which can be followed by endoscopic management, surgical management, and for the most difficult cases a combination of these. The goal is to manage and understand the whole patient and illness to provide the best possible quality of life. This review article focuses on CP diagnosis and management in light of the currently available evidence.


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Author Biographies

Lázaro Antonio Arango Molano, Universidad de Caldas

Gastroenterólogo Clínico Quirúrgico – Coordinador programa de postgrado en Gastroenterología Clínico Quirúrgica Universidad de Caldas, Manizales

Claudia Patricia Díaz Tobar, Universidad de Caldas - Unión de cirujanos SAS

Gastroenteróloga clínico quirúrgica. Manizales

Carlos Andrés Caicedo Q., Universidad de Caldas

Médico Cirujano General, Gastroenterólogo Clínico, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia

Camilo Angel Rodríguez, Universidad de los Andes

Médico General, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Arango Molano, L. A., Díaz Tobar, C. P., Caicedo Q., C. A., & Angel Rodríguez, C. (2019). The current state of diagnosis and management of chronic pancreatitis. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 34(4), 376–384.



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