Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to cow’s milk protein allergy


  • Angela Mayerly Cubides-Munevar Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Universidad del Valle
  • Alfredo Sadot Linero-Terán Hospital departamental Mario Correa Rengifo, Fundación clínica infantil Club Noel
  • Mario Andrés Saldarriaga-Vélez Universidad del Valle
  • Erika Julieth Umaña-Bautista Hospital universitario del Valle "Evaristo García" ESE
  • Eder Antonio Villamarín Betancourt Universidad del Valle




Cow’s milk protein allergy, clinical practice, guidelines, diagnosis, treatment, prevention


The worldwide prevalence of cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is approximately 1.9% to 4.9%. Its prevalence in Colombia is unknown. A high percentage of cases are unsuspected by medical personnel resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment which increase the time and resources used to establish the etiology of this condition in children. The clinical history is fundamental for diagnosis of CMPA, especially the background evaluation. Of special importance are early exposure to the protein and atopy in first degree relatives. CMPA’s initial presentation may be digestive, cutaneous or respiratory.  Digestive symptoms can include vomiting and acute diarrhea, and cutaneous symptoms include hives, dermatitis and angioedema. Respiratory and systemic manifestations occur less frequently. The wide variety of clinical manifestations and signs can challenge health care professionals who are not alert to this pathology to the point that the diagnosis is not even considered event though delaying the suspension of cow’s milk protein from the diet delays access to an effective treatment. The well-recognized ideal treatment is an exclusion diet which requires strict compliance. For children who are exclusively breastfed, the mother’s diet must restrict milk and its derivatives. Children who are not breastfed, should be fed formulas of extensively hydrolyzed milk proteins based on amino acids. The prognosis is favorable, and most children will tolerate cow’s milk proteins at two years. The process may take more years for polysensitive patients. Oral immunotherapy is an option that is available for patients who do not achieve toleration.


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Author Biographies

Angela Mayerly Cubides-Munevar, Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Universidad del Valle

Médico, Mágister en Epidemiología. Docencia universitaria

Alfredo Sadot Linero-Terán, Hospital departamental Mario Correa Rengifo, Fundación clínica infantil Club Noel

Médico especialista en Pediatría.

Mario Andrés Saldarriaga-Vélez, Universidad del Valle

Médico. Residente de especialidad Medicina Familiar

Erika Julieth Umaña-Bautista, Hospital universitario del Valle "Evaristo García" ESE

Médico cirujano. Residente medicina familiar

Eder Antonio Villamarín Betancourt, Universidad del Valle

Pediatra, Hospital Mario Correa Rengifo, Docente Universidad del Valle, Univesidad Santiag de Cali, Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Universidad Icesi. Cali, Colombia. Investigador Junior Colciecias. Cali


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Flujograma para el tratamiento de la APLV



How to Cite

Cubides-Munevar, A. M., Linero-Terán, A. S., Saldarriaga-Vélez, M. A., Umaña-Bautista, E. J., & Villamarín Betancourt, E. A. (2020). Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to cow’s milk protein allergy. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(1), 92–103. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.379



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