Esophageal tuberculosis associated with HIV immunosuppression: Case report


  • Edwar Jassir Rozo Ortiz Hospital San Rafael de Tunja
  • Monica Quemba Mesa Universidad de Boyacá
  • Juan David Bustos Acosta Universidad de Boyacá
  • Ivan Yesid Castellanos Universidad de Boyacá
  • Jamir Muñoz Torres Universidad de Boyacá
  • Ledmar Jovanny Vargas Rodriguez Universidad de Boyacá



Esophagus, Tuberculosis, Immunosuppression, HIV, Endoscopy, Dysphagia


Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs and is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is transmitted from one person to another through droplets generated in the respiratory system of patients with active lung disease. Esophageal tuberculosis is a rare condition (accounting for only 2.8 % of all cases of gastrointestinal tuberculosis). It usually occurs as a result of the direct spread from the mediastinal nodes, but rarely from the lungs or bloodstream. Its definitive diagnosis requires the isolation of tuberculous bacilli, which is rarely achieved in clinical practice. However, clinically speaking, patients present with symptoms of dysphagia, odynophagia, and weight loss.

Case study: This is the case of a 40-year-old patient with symptoms of 6 months of evolution with progressive dysphagia exacerbated to dysphagia for liquids, asthenia, adynamia, hyporexia, pleuritic pain, epigastric pain, and cough with whitish sputum. An endoscopy of the upper digestive tract was performed, showing severely inflamed mucosa with irregular ulcerations up to 2 cm deep, which suggested esophageal TB. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology, which reported chronic granulomatous esophagitis. Tetraconjugated treatment was initiated, including rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.

Conclusions: Gastrointestinal tuberculosis is a rare entity. It should be noted that the severity of the symptoms is usually associated with HIV co-infection, and their association is a frequent occurrence.


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Author Biographies

Edwar Jassir Rozo Ortiz, Hospital San Rafael de Tunja

Médico internista, Médico internista del hospital San Rafael de Tunja y médico Internista de la Clínica los Andes. Tunja, Boyacá

Monica Quemba Mesa, Universidad de Boyacá

Enfermera, Especialista en epidemiología. Docente e investigadora en la Universidad de Boyacá

Juan David Bustos Acosta, Universidad de Boyacá

Estudiante de IX semestre de Medicina

Ivan Yesid Castellanos, Universidad de Boyacá

Estudiante de medicina

Jamir Muñoz Torres, Universidad de Boyacá

Estudiante de 4o. año de Medicina y Auxiliar de investigación


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Figura 1. Los hallazgos sugieren tuberculosis gastrointestinal



How to Cite

Rozo Ortiz, E. J., Quemba Mesa, M., Bustos Acosta, J. D., Castellanos, I. Y., Muñoz Torres, J. ., & Vargas Rodriguez, L. J. (2021). Esophageal tuberculosis associated with HIV immunosuppression: Case report. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(1), 109–114.



Case report


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