Villous adenoma of the esophagus in ectopic gastric mucosa: A case report




villous adenoma, Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), Endoscopic mucosectomy, Gastroesophageal reflux


Introduction: Villous adenomas are lesions of the digestive tract with a high tendency to malignancy. Its location in ectopic gastric mucosa patches in the cervical esophagus is an atypical presentation of clinical and pathological interest.

Objective: To present a case of villous adenoma in ectopic gastric mucosa of the cervical esophagus.

Methods: A case study of a patient with a diagnosis of villous adenoma is presented, as well as a review of the current literature.

Results: A tubulovillous adenoma with low-grade dysplasia was identified by histopathological study. Its endoscopic location was a gastric ectopic mucosa patch in the cervical esophagus.

Conclusions: The location of villous adenomas in the cervical esophagus may predispose to the development of neoplastic lesions. Detailed evaluation of this segment using techniques, such as high-definition digital chromoendoscopy, would allow for early detection and treatment of these lesions.


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Author Biographies

Braulio Giovanni Velasquez-Cuasquen, Universidad del Cauca – Popayán

Residente Cirugía General. – Popayán

William Oswaldo Romo-Romero, Hospital Susana López de Valencia

Especialista en Cirugía General y en Cirugía Gastrointestinal y Endoscopia Digestiva – Popayán

Claudia Milena Orozco-Chamorro, Universidad del Cauca

Médico general. Popayán

Ángela Gicell Molano-Narvaez, Hospital Universitario San José de Popayán

Médico General, Universidad del Cauca – Popayán

Andrés Ordoñez-Ruiz, Hospital Oscar Emiro Vergara Cruz

Médico General, San Pedro de Urabá, Antioquia


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Figura 1. Parche de mucosa gástrica ectópica en el esófago cervical, con 2 islas de tejido de aspecto adenomatoso (NBI).



How to Cite

Velasquez-Cuasquen, B. G. ., Romo-Romero, W. O. ., Orozco-Chamorro, C. M., Molano-Narvaez, Ángela G., & Ordoñez-Ruiz, A. . (2021). Villous adenoma of the esophagus in ectopic gastric mucosa: A case report. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(Supl. 1), 72–77.


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