Association between Variables of Eating Habits and Gastric Trophic Changes in a Gastroenterology Institution in Medellín, Colombia




Eating habits, Atrophy, Metaplasia, Dysplasia


Aim: To establish the relationship between consuming foods considered risk factors for gastric cancer and trophic changes in gastric mucosa.

Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study. We included patients older than 18 admitted for upper GI endoscopy with biopsies who adequately answered a survey of personal history and eating habits. Those with a history of gastric cancer or gastric surgical resection for any reason were excluded. The association between feeding variables and trophic changes in the gastric mucosa was estimated.

Results: In a population of 1,096 patients, the average age was 51 years (standard deviation [SD]: 15.5), and 59% were women. Trophic changes in the gastric mucosa were identified in 173 patients (15.8%). No statistical association was found between the independent variables of eating habits, obesity, and positive Helicobacter pylori versus the variable “trophic changes,” unlike the variable “family history of gastric cancer” (odds ratio [OR]: 1.49 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-2.17, p = 0.036). One case of high-grade dysplasia was detected in the study population (0.91 cases in 1,000 patients).

Conclusions: No association was established between eating habits and trophic changes in the gastric mucosa in the studied population. A family history of gastric cancer is a statistically significant risk factor for developing atrophy, metaplasia, or dysplasia changes.


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Author Biographies

Lina María Roldán Delfino, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Médico de sedación. Medellín, Colombia.

Sandra Milena León Ramírez, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Luis Fernando Roldán Molina, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Gaastroenterólogo. Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Sebastian Fernando Niño Ramírez, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Andrés Felipe Arismendy López de Mesa, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Elsie Janeth Bejarano Rengifo, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Jorge Yamid Bolaños Ruales, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Sara Márquez Molina, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Edilberto Elias Nuñez Cabarcas, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Hilda María Pérez Useche, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Antonio José Restrepo Pelaez, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Carlos Ever Restrepo Tirado, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

María Adelaida Saffon Abad, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Julio Eduardo Zuleta Muñoz, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.

Juan Nicolás Zuluaga Aguilar, Instituto Gastroclínico SAS

Instituto Gastroclínico S. A. S. Medellín, Colombia.


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Table 2. Eating habits in the studied population



How to Cite

Roldán Delfino, L. M., León Ramírez, S. M., Roldán Molina, L. F., Niño Ramírez, S. F., Arismendy López de Mesa, A. F., Bejarano Rengifo, E. J., … Zuluaga Aguilar, J. N. (2023). Association between Variables of Eating Habits and Gastric Trophic Changes in a Gastroenterology Institution in Medellín, Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 38(3), 304–310.



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