Budd-Chiari Syndrome: Etiology, management, and outcomes in a study of 35 patients at the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe


  • Octavio Germán Muñoz Maya Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe
  • Juliana Andrea Vergara Cadavid Harvard Medical School
  • Liliana Cajiao Castro Hospital San Roque, Córdoba Quindío
  • Juan Ignacio Marín Zuluaga Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe
  • Juan Carlos Restrepo Gutiérrez Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe
  • Oscar Mauricio Santos Sánchez Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe




Budd-Chiari Syndrome, Hepatic Vein Thrombosis, Thrombosis


Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is a rare disorder characterized by the obstruction of the veins of the liver. Both its presentation and therapeutic management are heterogenous. The following is a retrospective study of patients diagnosed with BCS treated by the hepatology service at the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. The results of the categorical variables are expressed as proportions and the continuous variables as means and ranges.  The average age of onset of this disease was 37.7 years and it was not predominant in neither sex. The most common symptoms were abdominal pain (91.4%), ascites (71.4%) and hepatomegaly (60%). Out of 35 patients, 11 (31.4%) had primary hypercoagulability, 7 (20%) had some myeloproliferative disorder, 6 (17.1%) had extrahepatic malignancies —3 with mechanical compression and 3 due to associated hypercoagulability—, and 1 case had a membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava.  32 patients (91.4%) received anticoagulation as first-line therapy and only 4 were taken to surgery: 2 to angioplasty, 1 to transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) and 1 to orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). On the other hand, 17 (48.5%) individuals underwent invasive procedures as a second-line therapy, of which 8 (22.8%) underwent angioplasty and stenting, 5 (14.29%) underwent TIPS and 4 needed OLT. The 6 patients who were taken to TIPS did not need liver transplants.  Budd-Chiari syndrome remains a rare condition affecting the health of young men and women alike, with a heterogeneous clinical presentation but, in most cases, with a clear trigger where thrombophilic and myeloproliferative disorders predominate. The use of invasive therapeutic measures, especially the early selection of patients who may benefit from TIPS, has changed the natural course and prognosis of this group of patients.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Andrea Vergara Cadavid, Harvard Medical School

Medica y cirujana, estudiante Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation

Liliana Cajiao Castro, Hospital San Roque, Córdoba Quindío

Médica y cirujana

Oscar Mauricio Santos Sánchez, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe



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Figura 1. Síntomas clínicos. MI: miembros inferiores.



How to Cite

Muñoz Maya, O. G., Vergara Cadavid, J. A., Cajiao Castro, L., Marín Zuluaga, J. I., Restrepo Gutiérrez, J. C., & Santos Sánchez, O. M. (2020). Budd-Chiari Syndrome: Etiology, management, and outcomes in a study of 35 patients at the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(3), 280–286. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.431



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