Risk factors for gallbladder polyp malignancy in two public hospitals of Peru





Gallbladder neoplasms, polyps, adenocarcinoma, risk factors


Introduction: In most patients, gallbladder polyps, both benign and malignant, are usually an incidental finding. However, imaging studies cannot accurately establish their degree of malignancy.

Objective: To determine the risk factors for gallbladder polyp malignancy in two Peruvian public hospitals.

Methodology: Retrospective cohort study conducted on secondary data from patients who underwent cholecystectomy between 2004 and 2012 in Lima and another in Callao, Peru. The malignancy of the polyp was established according to the histopathological type of adenocarcinoma. Relative risks and their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were obtained. Moreover, ROC curves were used to determine sensitivity and specificity according to the size of the polyp.

Results: Of 368 biopsies, 26 (7%) were adenocarcinomas. The median size of the polyps was 4mm (range: 1-65mm). 176 patients (51%) had multiple polyps, and 85 (23%) had associated gallstones. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of malignancy increased by 26% (95%CI:14-40%, pvalue:<0.001) per millimeter of polyp size and by 182% (95%CI:46-445%, p-value=0.002) based on vesicular wall size, adjusted for patient age, lithiasis and vesicular size. For a size of 6mm, sensitivity was 81%, and specificity was 85%.

Conclusion: The size of the polyp and the thickness of the vesicular wall are associated with the malignancy of vesicular polyps.


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Author Biographies

Christian Richard Mejía Alvarez, Universidad Continental

Escuela de medicina humana, Universidad Continental, Docente investigador. Huancayo, Perú

Karina Mayta, Universidad San Martin de Porres - Lima

Facultad de medicina. Especialista en anestesiología. 

Maite Matlin Cárdenas Carranza, Asociación Médica de Investigación y Servicios en Salud (AMISS)

Médico cirujano. Lima

Araseli Verastegui-Díaz, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Estudiante de medicina humana, Facultad de medicina humana. Lima


Dante M Quiñones-Laveriano, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Maestrando en medicina. Investigador. Lima

Julio Maravi Coronado, Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión - Lima


Eduardo Monge, Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión

Especialista en Patología y Laboratorio Clínico. Laboratorio clínico. Lima

Claudia Alejandra Vera Chacchi, Universidad Ricardo Palma

Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú


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Figura 1. Diferencias de valores según el tipo de pólipo vesicular en pacientes colecistectomizados en dos hospitales de Lima y Callao



How to Cite

Mejía Alvarez, C. R., Mayta, K., Cárdenas Carranza, M. M., Verastegui-Díaz, A., Quiñones-Laveriano, D. M., Maravi Coronado, J., … Vera Chacchi, C. A. (2020). Risk factors for gallbladder polyp malignancy in two public hospitals of Peru. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(4), 414–420. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.478



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