Histopathological finding of Strongyloides stercoralis in a patient with Crohn’s disease: Case report





Nematode infections, Strongyloides stercolaris;, Immunocompromised host, Hematemesis, Crohn’s Disease


Clinical case: The following is a rare clinical case in an immunocompromised patient with histopathological findings of parasitic infestation. The patient is a middle-aged male who lives in a subtropical area and has a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease treated with corticosteroids and immunomodulators. The patient presented with abdominal pain and chronic anemia for 1 year, with negative laboratory tests for parasites and normal acute phase reactants. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy were performed before the consultation (6 months) without relevant findings. Due to the persistence of the symptoms, endoscopic studies were repeated, finding subepithelial bleeding with histopathological results of Strongyloides stercoralis.

Conclusion: In the context of an immunocompromised patient living in an endemic area and with a torpid evolution, a differential diagnosis should be made always suspecting a parasitic infestation. Although endoscopy is not necessary to diagnose strongyloidiasis, its use may be convenient.


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Author Biographies

Ruben Gustavo Muñoz Cedeño, Hospital de Especialidades Dr Abel Gilbert Pontón

Médico general posgradista en gastroenterología. Guayaquil

Linda Patricia Naranjo Raffo, Hospital Luis Vernaza

Médico general posgradista de medicina interna. Guayaquil

Gema Nathalye Rodríguez Chica, Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil

Médico general residente. Guayaquil

Virgilio Alvarado Gallo, Hospital General Guasmo Sur

Médico gastroenterólogo. Guayaquil


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Figura 1. Colonoscopia: hemorragias subepiteliales y erosiones en el colon transverso



How to Cite

Muñoz Cedeño, R. . G., Naranjo Raffo, L. P., Rodríguez Chica, G. N., & Alvarado Gallo, V. (2021). Histopathological finding of Strongyloides stercoralis in a patient with Crohn’s disease: Case report. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(2), 252–256. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.501



Case report


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