Diagnostic performance of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatobiliary lesions with in-room pathologist





Endoscopic ultrasound, Pancreatic neoplasms, Biliary tract cancer, Fine needle aspiration


Introduction: Endoscopic ultrasound with fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) of pancreatobiliary neoplastic lesions usually has a high performance that depends on the characteristics of the lesion, technical aspects, and expertise of the endoscopist. One of the least studied factors is rapid on-site evaluation with a pathologist in the room.

Objective: To perform EUS-FNA with a pathologist in the endoscopy room to reduce the number of passes, the rate of inadequate samples and the need to repeat the procedure.

Material and methods: Observational retrospective study with a prospective data collection approach from January 2018 to June 2019 of adult patients undergoing EUS-FNA. The samples obtained were spread and evaluated in endoscopy rooms by a pathologist with Diff-Quick stain, and when a sufficient sample was obtained, it was sent in a vial with formalin for cell block and/or biopsy.

Results: 48 pancreatobiliary EUS-FNA were performed in individuals with a median age of 64 years. The most frequent indication was aspiration due to pancreatic mass (71%); 35 malignancies were diagnosed (77% were adenocarcinomas and 14% were neuroendocrine tumors). The median size of the lesions was 28mm, and the average number of passes was 3. Diagnostic results were obtained in 89% vs. 11% of false negatives. There was 1 minor complication (2.1%), which was abdominal pain.

Conclusions: EUS-FNA with an in-room pathologist has a high diagnostic performance, with few false negative results. Also, a lower median number of passes is required, minimizing the risks of the procedure and the need for repeating it.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Mosquera-Klinger, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Especialista en Medicina interna, gastroenterología, y endoscopia digestiva. Internista gastroenterólogo en Unidad de gastroenterología y endoscopia digestiva. Medellín


Jhon Jaime Carvajal Gutierrez, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Medicina interna, gastroenterología y endoscopia digestiva. Unidad de gastroenterología y endoscopia digestiva del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia

Carolina Echeverri Jaramillo, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Patóloga anatómica y clínica.  Subespecialista en hematopatologia y citopatología. Departamento de patología del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.

Juan Camilo Pérez Cadavid, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Especialista en Patología. Departamento de patología. Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.

Ricardo Andrés Cardona Quiceno, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Especialista en Patología. Departamento de Patología del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.

Julio César Valencia Maturana, Universidad de Antioquia

Especialista en Medicina interna. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.

Héctor Andrés Sánchez Garrido, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Médico, magister en epidemiología Clínica. Jefe de ayudas diagnósticas del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.


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Figura 2. Distribución de tipo de aguja utilizada en las punciones



How to Cite

Mosquera-Klinger, G. ., Carvajal Gutierrez, J. J. ., Echeverri Jaramillo, C., Pérez Cadavid, J. C. ., Cardona Quiceno, R. A., Valencia Maturana, J. C., & Sánchez Garrido, H. A. (2021). Diagnostic performance of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatobiliary lesions with in-room pathologist. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(2), 200–205. https://doi.org/10.22516/25007440.628



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