Case Report of a Metastatic Biliary Tract Neoplasm as an Unusual Cause of Appendicitis




Appendix, Metastasis, Cancer, Cholangiocarcinoma, Adenocarcinoma


Introduction: We describe the case of a patient with appendiceal metastasis as the first manifestation of a cholangiocarcinoma. Main symptoms: Abdominal pain, jaundice, hyporexia, and choluria.

Methods and results: We documented an appendiceal plastron histologically compatible with metastatic appendiceal adenocarcinoma, common hepatic duct stricture, and a suspected cholangiocarcinoma, later corroborated by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

Conclusions: Metastatic appendiceal tumors are an infrequent and poorly studied manifestation, whereas those secondary to bile duct neoplasia have rarely been reported in the literature.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Gregorio Peña Amaya, Hospital Militar Central

Residente de medicina interna. Bogotá, Colombia.

Jaime Andrés Montaña López, Hospital Militar Central

Medicina Interna, Endocrinólogo y Gastroenterólogo. Bogotá, Colombia.

Carolina Isabel Sánchez Marrugo, Hospital Militar Central

Medicina Interna y Gastroenterólogo. Coordinadora del servicio de Gastroenterología. Bogotá, Colombia.

Luis Carlos Pérez Navarro, Hospital Militar Central

Médico especialista en Medicina Interna/fellow de Gastroenterología. Bogotá, Colombia.


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Figura 1. Colangiorresonancia 3D. Dilatación de la vía biliar intrahepática.



How to Cite

Peña Amaya, R. G., Montaña López, J. A. ., Sánchez Marrugo, C. I. ., & Pérez Navarro, L. C. . (2022). Case Report of a Metastatic Biliary Tract Neoplasm as an Unusual Cause of Appendicitis. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 37(1), 99–102.



Case report


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