Appendiceal intussusception: a rare finding during colonoscopy. Case report




Intussusception, Appendiceal neoplasms, colonoscopy, endometriosis


This is the case of a young patient with an incidental endoscopic finding of a lesion in the cecum during follow-up colonoscopy with benign histology. The diagnostic process and surgical treatment are described. The existing literature was reviewed and the incidence, symptoms and indications of surgical treatment of this rare condition are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Español Español, Español

MD. Profesor de cirugía Universidad Javeriana, jefe de la unidad de colon y recto, Departamento de cirugía. Bogotá 

Español, Español

MD. Profesor de cirugía Universidad Javeriana, Cirujano Gastrointestinal, Departamento de cirugía del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Bogotá

Jorge Alejandro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Español

MD. Residente de cirugía general, Departamento de cirugía, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Facultad de medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá.


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Figura 1. Apéndice cecal invaginado, visión de la colonoscopia en el polo cecal



How to Cite

Español, E., Español, E., & Gonzalez Gonzalez, J. A. (2021). Appendiceal intussusception: a rare finding during colonoscopy. Case report. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(2), 275–279.



Case report


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